Russia under Putin

Imagen tomada de worldometers.

Michael Roberts Blog

In my last post, I described how Western capital is planning to take over and control Ukraine’s resources and exploit its labour force to the maximum in order to boost the profitability of both Ukraine’s domestic capitalists (oligarchs) and foreign multi-nationals.

However, there is a problem for Western capital and Ukraine’s oligarchs: it’s Russia. The war has already led to Russian forces gaining control of at least $12.4trn worth of Ukraine’s resources in energy (cola), metals and mineral deposits, apart from agricultural land. If Putin’s forces succeed in annexing Ukrainian land seized during Russia’s invasion, Kyiv would permanently lose almost two-thirds of its deposits. Moscow now controls 63% of Ukraine’s coal deposits, 11% of its oil, 20% of its natural gas, 42% of its metals, and 33% of its rare earths.

So any rebuilding effort funded by Western capital has a major obstacle.  “Not only will Ukraine have lost…

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Colonias, semicolonias, países dependientes

A raíz de las notas sobre la guerra en Ucrania me han preguntado por la diferencia, establecida por Lenin, entre colonia, semicolonia y país dependiente. Dedico esta entrada a esta cuestión, que está vinculada a la problemática de la llamada liberación nacional (lo he tratado también en Economía Política de la dependencia y el subdesarrollo, […]

Colonias, semicolonias, países dependientes

Ukraine-Russia: like an earthquake

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Ukraine-Russia: like an earthquake

Russia: from sanctions to slump?

The economic war between the US-led NATO group and Russia is hotting up alongside the real war in Ukraine itself.  In response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the US and Europe have upped the ante in imposing economic sanctions. The first of these was the suspension of any dealings with several leading Russian […]

Russia: from sanctions to slump?